Comparison of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Direct Instruction and Simultaneous Prompting in Teaching Hot, Cold, Hard, and Soft Concepts to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
There are significant difficulties teaching concepts to individuals with ASD, primarily abstract concepts. Many studies, from sensory integration studies to occupational therapy studies, from the academic dimension of special education to the affective dimension, are trying to solve this problem. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of direct instruction and simultaneous prompting in teaching hot, cold, hard, and soft concepts to students with autism spectrum disorder. The research model is the parallel treatment model, which is a single-subject research model. The dependent variable of the research was determined as the concepts of hot, cold, hard, and soft, and the independent variables were the levels of direct instruction and simultaneous prompting. Daily probe, collective probe, and follow-up sessions were planned and implemented for the four concepts identified in the research for direct instruction and simultaneous prompting. For each concept constituting the dependent variable of the research, the researcher prepared tool sets that exemplify the target behavior and include opposite concepts. Concept tracking checklists, criterion-dependent measurement tools, application reliability, and social validity forms were developed and used to collect research data. The research was conducted with the participation of four 7-year-old students, two girls and two boys, with autism spectrum disorder, attending the Autism Studies Application and Research Center. As a result of the research, the direct teaching method is more effective and efficient than the simultaneous prompting teaching method in comparing the effectiveness and efficiency of four subjects in gaining the concepts in the application process.
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