Evaluation of ethnocentric beliefs among short-term study abroad student travelers and non-travelers

Jamie Borchardt, Kimberly Rynearson


Study abroad programs are often lacking in formal evaluation practices. Many programs rely on anecdotal feedback from students to support the benefits of study abroad travel. In two studies, the authors examined whether ethnocentric beliefs were influenced among students participating in short-term study abroad programs and whether they differed from students who had no intention to travel abroad.  In study one, a paired samples t-test was used to compare pre-travel and post-travel ethnocentrism scores. Post-test scores decreased, but there were no significant differences in ethnocentrism between the pre-travel (M=26.29, SD=7.02) and post-travel (M=25.81, SD=7.45) groups; t(26)=0.60, p = 0.55. In study two, an independent samples t-test was computed to compare pre-travel and non-travel ethnocentrism scores. There was a significant difference in pre-travel (M=26.29, SD=7.02) and the non-travel groups (M=31.19, SD=8.64); t(51)=-2.26 p=.03, and results showed that the non-traveled group scored higher on the Ethnocentrism Scale.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/jesma.2023.66

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