Examination of the Relation between Science High School Students’Geometry Success and Van Hiele Geometric Thinking Levels



The aim of this study is to detect the relation between Science High School students' success in geometry lesson and Van Hiele geometric thinking levels according to the datum results of geometry success test (GST) and Van Hiele geometric thinking level test (VHGTLT). The survey model, which is one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the study. The study group consists of 244 students selected by purposive sampling method, studying at three Science High Schools in Diyarbakır city center in the first term of the 2020-2021 academic year. The datum in the research were obtained by using the 25 questions of the VHGTLT suitable for the grade level of the students and the GST consisting of 25 questions prepared by the researchers. The datum were calculated by calculating descriptive statistics and the relation between the point of the students in the VHGTLT and the GST was analyzed with Pearson correlation the SPSS package program. Moreover, one-factor analysis of variance technique was applied to detect whether there was a meaningful difference between Science High Schools according to both tests. The results of the study are as follows: It was observed that the most of the students (63.6%) who participated in the study were at or above Level 3 (Informal Inference) Van Hiele geometric thinking level. A middle correlation was found between the students' point obtained from both test results. In addition, as a result of the point obtained from both tests, a meaningful difference was found between the Science High School, which received the highest point in the province according to the high school entrance exam point, and the other two Science High Schools.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/jesma.2022.63

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