Unethical Behaviors: An Evaluation According to the Opinions of Teachers and Administrators

Sibel Doğan, Sevda Katıtaş, Sevgi Yıldız


It was aimed to determine the unethical behaviors of teachers and administrators from each other's perspectives in this research. The case study method, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was applied in the research. The research group of the study consisted of 20 educators, including 10 teachers and 10 administrators, working in public schools during the 2021-2022 academic year. The research data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using inductive content analysis by the researchers. According to the most important results of the research, unethical behaviors from the administrators’ perspective were determined that teachers entered and left the classes whenever they wanted, ignored professional development, avoided applying different methods and techniques in the lessons, treated students unfairly, saw grades as a punishment tool, and became negative role models for the students. On the other hand, distributing resources to people who are in personal relation to them, making tailor-made lesson plans, acting according to the teachers' unions, being careless to the children of poor families, and being negative role models for the students were among the unethical behaviors of administrators from teachers' perspective. As a result of the research, suggestions were developed to change the unethical behaviors of teachers and administrators.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/jesma.2022.62

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