"There are many hopes behind despair. There are many suns behind the darkness". RUMI


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Author Guidelines

The Journal of Educational Studies and Multidisciplinary Approaches (JESMA) stands at the forefront of academic discourse, bridging diverse educational perspectives and fostering interdisciplinary discussions. Our commitment to clarity, consistency, and scholarly rigor underpins every publication, ensuring that we contribute meaningful, impactful, and accessible content to the global academic community. These guidelines, meticulously crafted with the author in mind, serve as a roadmap to aid scholars in navigating the submission, review, and publication processes. By adhering to the standards outlined here, authors not only enhance the quality of their submissions but also facilitate a seamless integration of their work into our esteemed journal.

A Seamless Submission Journey: The first step in sharing your research with the JESMA community starts with the submission process. We have designed an intuitive and comprehensive system to ensure that your manuscript begins its journey on the right foot.

Unwavering Dedication to Quality: From the initial submission to the final publication, every manuscript undergoes a rigorous evaluation process. Our guidelines are reflective of the high standards we uphold, ensuring that each article is a testament to academic excellence.

Collaborative Review Process: JESMA believes in the power of collaboration. Our review process, structured yet flexible, ensures that authors receive constructive feedback, allowing for refinement and enhancement of their work. This iterative process ensures that the final published article is of the highest quality.

Commitment to Global Accessibility: In the age of digital academia, accessibility is paramount. JESMA's guidelines ensure that each article, once published, reaches a global audience, furthering the dissemination and impact of your research.

By aligning with these guidelines, authors join a community dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, fostering a culture of academic excellence, and ensuring that JESMA remains a beacon of quality in the vast ocean of scholarly publications.


Submission Process:

The Journal of Educational Studies and Multidisciplinary Approaches (JESMA) has adopted a streamlined and user-friendly electronic submission system to ensure that your manuscript submission is smooth, efficient, and effective.

  1. Initiating the Submission: Begin by submitting your manuscripts electronically through the dedicated JESMA online submission and review platform. Our system is designed to be intuitive, guiding you seamlessly through each phase of the submission process.
  2. Formatting and Template Use: To maintain consistency and ease the review process, it's crucial that all submissions align with our prescribed formatting. We strongly advise authors to use the official manuscript template available on our website. This template has been crafted to simplify the formatting process for you, ensuring your manuscript meets JESMA’s presentation standards from the outset.
  3. Registration and Profile Creation: Before submitting, authors need to register on our platform. If you haven't registered yet, please visit JESMA Registration. Ensure you select the "author" option during registration, which will grant you access to the submission portal and allow you to track the progress of your manuscript.
  4. Manuscript Upload: Once registered and logged in as an author, you can initiate the manuscript upload process. Follow the on-screen prompts, ensuring you provide all necessary details and accompanying documentation.
  5. Confirmation and Tracking: Upon successful submission, you will receive a confirmation notification. You can also track the status of your manuscript, receive updates, and correspond with the editorial team through the platform.

We understand the effort and dedication that goes into each research manuscript. Hence, we have designed our submission process to be as straightforward and supportive as possible, ensuring that your focus remains on presenting your research in the best possible light.


Manuscript Preparation:

The preparation of your manuscript is a crucial step to ensure its smooth progression through the review process and its eventual publication. Adhering to JESMA's guidelines not only ensures consistency across all published articles but also aids in presenting your research in a clear and coherent manner. Below are the detailed instructions to guide you in this preparation:

  1. Language Proficiency: Manuscripts should be written in clear and concise English. Consider having your manuscript proofread by native speakers or professional editing services if English is not your first language, to ensure clarity and correct grammar.
  2. Word Count: Although JESMA does not impose a strict word limit, it is essential that your manuscript is thorough in presenting all aspects of your research, from introduction to conclusion, while avoiding excessive verbosity.
  3. File Specifications: Always submit your manuscript as a Word document, either in .doc or .docx format, to facilitate the review and editing process.
  4. Document Layout & Typography:
    • Paper Size & Margins: Stick to the standard A4 paper size. This size is ideal for both digital viewing and printing. The 2.5 cm (1 inch) margin on all sides provides ample space for any reviewer notes and annotations.
    • Font & Size: Times New Roman, size 12, is recommended for its readability and universality. It offers a professional look to the manuscript.
    • Line Spacing: Use 1.5 line spacing throughout the document to enhance readability.
    • Paragraphs: Ensure paragraphs are uniformly indented. Avoid excessive spacing between paragraphs.
    • Headings & Subheadings: Use bold or italics to distinguish different heading levels. This hierarchical structuring helps in guiding the reader through the different sections of your manuscript.
  1. Figures, Tables & Equations:
    • Embed any figures or tables within the text at the appropriate points rather than at the end. This provides context and improves the flow of information.
    • Ensure that all figures and tables are labeled and have captions. The captions should be brief yet descriptive.
    • For mathematical notations or equations, consider using the Equation Editor in Word for clarity.
  1. Avoid Footnotes & Endnotes: These can disrupt the reading flow. Instead, integrate essential information into the main text or use parenthetical citations.
  2. Document Sections: Ensure your manuscript has clear sections, including Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. This structure aids readers in following and understanding your research narrative.

By meticulously preparing your manuscript in accordance with these guidelines, you facilitate a smoother review process and enhance the presentation and readability of your research for JESMA's diverse readership.

Title Page:

  • List all authors' full names, affiliations, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. Clearly indicate the Corresponding Author.
  • Provide a concise and informative title, adhering to the guidelines provided in the template.
  • Include an abstract of 150-200 words.
  • List 3 to 5 descriptive keywords. Only the first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized.

Content Structuring:

  • Divide the manuscript into clear sections with non-numbered subheadings.
  • Integrate tables and figures directly into the manuscript at relevant points. Ensure each has a concise caption, and avoid using vertical lines in tables.
  • If applicable, have an acknowledgments section placed before the references.


Ensuring accurate and standardized referencing is fundamental to the integrity and quality of academic publications. JESMA mandates adherence to specific guidelines for references to maintain consistency across manuscripts:

  1. Citation Style: Authors should strictly adhere to the APA7 (American Psychological Association – 7th edition) citation style. Familiarizing oneself with the APA7 style is crucial for accurate and uniform referencing throughout the manuscript. A comprehensive guide on APA7 referencing can be accessed at Newcastle University's APA7 Guide
  2. Completeness: Each in-text citation must have a corresponding, comprehensive citation in the reference list, and vice versa. This ensures that readers can trace the origins of all information presented.
  3. Accuracy: Authors must ensure that reference details, such as author names, publication years, journal titles, and page numbers, are correct. Inaccurate references can diminish the manuscript's credibility.
  4. Consistency: All reference entries should consistently adhere to the APA7 style's formatting, punctuation, and capitalization guidelines.
  5. Digital Object Identifier (DOI): Where available, authors should include the DOI of articles and electronic sources, presented as a web link: http://doi.org/.... DOIs provide a stable and reliable link to electronic content.
  6. Web Links: In the absence of a DOI, authors should provide a direct web link to the source, formatted as http://.... This ensures readers can directly access the primary source if needed.
  7. Ordering: The reference list should be arranged alphabetically by the surname of the first author of each work. For multiple works by the same author, chronological ordering should be employed.
  8. Direct Quotes: When quoting directly from a source, the specific page number must be provided in the in-text citation.

Authors are encouraged to frequently cross-check references against original sources to avoid inadvertent errors. Proper referencing not only enhances the manuscript's credibility but also acknowledges the seminal contributions of fellow scholars.


Supplementary Files:

The inclusion of supplementary files can enhance the comprehensiveness and depth of a research article. These files provide additional context, detail, or raw data that might be pivotal for readers and researchers aiming to replicate or delve deeper into the study. When submitting supplementary files to JESMA, please consider the following:

  1. Relevance: Ensure that all supplementary files directly support the content of your manuscript. These files should offer additional insights or elaborate on specific aspects of the study that couldn't be incorporated within the main document due to space or format constraints.
  2. File Types: While most formats are acceptable, we recommend using universally accessible file types such as .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .csv for data sets, and .jpg or .png for visuals. This ensures that a majority of readers can easily access and view the content.
  3. Labeling & Description: Each supplementary file should be clearly labeled with a concise title. Additionally, provide a brief description or legend for each file, explaining its content and relevance to the main manuscript.
  4. Permissions: If your supplementary files include content that isn't original or owned by you (like copyrighted images, extensive data from third-party sources, etc.), ensure that you've obtained the necessary permissions to use and share them. Always credit the original source in the file description.
  5. Data Integrity: For supplementary data sets, ensure accuracy and completeness. It's crucial that readers and researchers can trust the data you provide. If the data set has been cleaned or transformed, offer a brief explanation or provide a reference to the section of the manuscript where this process is detailed.
  6. Privacy & Confidentiality: If the supplementary files contain data derived from human participants, ensure that all personal identifiers are removed to maintain participants' privacy and confidentiality.
  7. File Size Considerations: While there isn't a strict limit, consider the accessibility for readers with varying internet speeds. It's advisable to keep the file sizes reasonable and, if necessary, compress especially large files without compromising quality.

Including supplementary files not only adds depth to your research but also showcases transparency, allowing others in the academic community to build upon, validate, or further explore your work.


Ethical Considerations:

Research, especially involving human participants, carries ethical responsibilities that must be addressed diligently. At JESMA, we place significant emphasis on the ethical integrity of the studies we publish. Thus, authors are required to meticulously address and report on the following ethical aspects of their research:

  1. Informed Consent: Any research involving human participants must secure informed consent from all individuals. This ensures participants are fully aware of the study's purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits. They should also be informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any point without any adverse consequences.
  2. Anonymity & Confidentiality: Measures taken to ensure the anonymity and confidentiality of participants should be explicitly mentioned. For instance, if demographic information isn't collected, or if specific techniques are employed to protect participants' identities, such details should be outlined.
  3. Data Protection: Authors should detail the measures taken to protect sensitive data. For example, electronic data may be stored securely with restricted access, or paper records might be safeguarded in locked cabinets.
  4. Ethical Guidelines Followed: Authors should explicitly state any institutional, national, or international ethical guidelines they adhered to during the research. As exemplified in the template, authors can mention specific directives or regulations, ensuring the research's alignment with established ethical standards.
  5. Ethical Review & Approval: For studies involving human participants, it's imperative to obtain approval from an appropriate ethics review board. In the manuscript:
    • Ethical Review Board Name: Clearly specify the name of the ethical review board that assessed and approved the study.
    • Date of Ethics Review Decision: Mention the specific date on which the ethics review board made its decision.
    • Ethics Assessment Document Issue Number: If applicable, provide the specific issue or reference number associated with the ethics assessment.
  1. Potential Conflicts & Bias: Any potential conflicts of interest, biases, or external factors that might influence the research outcomes should be transparently reported.
  2. Transparency: Ensure that all ethical considerations, challenges, and solutions are reported transparently, enabling readers and reviewers to understand the ethical foundations upon which the research stands.

Adhering to these guidelines affirms the ethical integrity of the research and assures readers, reviewers, and the broader academic community of the study's credibility and respect for participants' rights and dignity.

Queries and Contact: For any questions or additional clarification regarding the submission process, please contact the editorial team at editor@jesma.net .

By meticulously following these guidelines, authors ensure a smoother review and publication process. Your commitment to these standards is crucial for maintaining the quality and reputation of JESMA.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Pre-Submission Review:
    The manuscript has not been previously published.
  2. Pre-Submission Review:

    The manuscript is not under consideration by another journal.

  3. Manuscript Preparation:

    The submission adheres to the journal's Author Guidelines.

  4. Manuscript Preparation:

    The manuscript is submitted in English and has been proofread for clarity and grammar.

  5. Manuscript Preparation:

    The manuscript is formatted according to the journal's requirements, including A4 paper size, 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins, and the recommended font.

  6. Manuscript Preparation:

    All figures and tables are clearly labeled and referenced within the text.

  7. Metadata:

    All necessary metadata has been provided, including a comprehensive abstract, relevant keywords, and detailed author affiliations.

  8. Ethical Considerations:

    Ethical approval has been obtained for studies involving humans or animals and is clearly stated in the manuscript

  9. Ethical Considerations:

    Any conflicts of interest have been declared.

  10. Data Accessibility:

    Data sets used in the research are available (either within the article, as supplementary material, or in an external repository) and properly cited.

  11. Reference Integrity:

    The bibliography is formatted according to the APA7 citation style.

  12. Reference Integrity:

    All references are accurate, complete, and relevant to the content.

  13. Additional Documentation:

    Where applicable, additional documentation such as ethical approval letters, consent forms, or supplementary files are attached.

  14. Acknowledgment of Submission Process:

    The author(s) acknowledge and understand the journal's submission and review process.


Copyright Notice

Ownership of Copyright: The copyright for all articles published in the Journal of Educational Studies and Multidisciplinary Approaches (JESMA) remains with the authors. Authors grant JESMA the right of first publication, which ensures the work is disseminated in a manner that acknowledges its original publication in JESMA.

Rights Granted to Readers: The content of JESMA is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). This means that users are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as the users follow the license terms. However, when using the content, users must provide appropriate attribution, give a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.

Securing Permissions: For any reuse or distribution, users must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of the above conditions can be waived if users get permission from the copyright holder. The public can reuse the content freely, as long as the author and original source are properly cited. To use the content of JESMA in any way not covered by the license, please contact the journal for the appropriate permissions.

Licensing Agreement: Authors, upon submission, agree to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, allowing third parties to copy, distribute, and make use of the work as long as they cite the original author and source appropriately. Authors also warrant that their contribution is original, that they have full power to make this grant, and that the content does not infringe any copyright or violate any property rights, proprietary, or personal rights of others.



Privacy Statement

 The Journal of Educational Studies and Multidisciplinary Approaches (JESMA) is deeply committed to safeguarding the privacy and personal information of our users, authors, reviewers, and visitors. This Privacy Statement outlines our policies and practices concerning the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information. By visiting our website, using our services, or submitting your manuscript, you acknowledge the practices described in this statement.

Types of Information Collected: JESMA collects personal information in several ways:

  • When users visit our website and access our resources.
  • During the manuscript submission process where authors provide details for correspondence and publication.
  • When users register for an account, subscribe to our services, or participate in our events.

Use of Personal Information:

  • JESMA primarily uses personal information to provide services, manage user accounts, process manuscript submissions, and communicate updates or news.
  • The information you provide is critical for the operation of the journal, including peer review, editorial decisions, and other journal management tasks.
  • We may use the data for analytical purposes, to improve our services, or to develop new offerings.

Sharing of Personal Information:

  • JESMA does not sell, lease, or trade your personal information to third parties.
  • We may share information with third parties when you give us explicit permission, or when required by law.
  • Personal data might be shared with third-party platforms for tasks like manuscript processing, but only when necessary and with utmost confidentiality.

Protection and Security:

  • We employ state-of-the-art security measures to protect against the misuse, unauthorized access, and alteration of the information under our control.
  • Digital identities, credentials of authors, reviewers, and editors are protected with stringent authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Regular backups ensure data integrity and availability.

OJS2 Platform Security:

  • JESMA uses the Open Journal Systems 2 (OJS2) platform, which is known for its commitment to data security and integrity.
  • OJS2 employs strict security measures, including encryption and secure data transfer protocols, to protect user data.
  • The platform is routinely updated to address any potential vulnerabilities, ensuring the ongoing security of the information it holds.

Cookies and Tracking Mechanisms:

  • Our website may use "cookies" or similar tracking technologies to enhance user experience and for analytical purposes.
  • Users can control or opt-out of cookies using browser settings, but some parts of the site may not function optimally without them.

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  • Users have the right to access, correct, delete, or transfer their personal data.
  • Any user can opt out or control direct marketing communications from JESMA or third parties.
  • Users can also lodge complaints or seek clarifications about their data.

International Data Transfer and Compliance:

  • While JESMA primarily operates within one jurisdiction, we comply with international data protection regulations.
  • In cases of cross-border data transfers, robust protections are in place to ensure data privacy and security.

Updates and Changes: JESMA reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Statement at any time. We encourage users to frequently check this page for any changes and stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect.

JESMA's commitment to upholding the highest standards of data privacy is unwavering. We understand the importance of your data, and we are dedicated to its protection and secure management. Should you have any queries regarding our Privacy Statement or practices, please don't hesitate to contact us.