Investigation of 7th and 8th Grade Science Curriculum Outcomes and Textbook Activities in terms of Scientific Creativity

Emine Kahraman


This study aimed to investigate the effect of the present science curriculum and textbook exercises on scientific creativity. The study utilized document analysis as a form of qualitative investigation. The study utilized data derived from the academic performance of students in the 7th and 8th grades, specifically focusing on the outcomes of the 2018 scientific curriculum and the activities presented in the associated textbooks. The descriptive analysis technique was applied to examine the results and activities, which are qualitative data. The study comprised an analysis of achievements and activities, concentrating on predefined themes within the sub-dimensions of the Scientific Structure Creativity Model. The study yielded findings that demonstrated a connection between the curricular outcomes and textbook activities across all grade levels. Particularly, these educational materials effectively included scientific knowledge and phenomena, hence promoting the development of creative thinking skills. It is essential to emphasize that the science curriculum and textbook mainly prioritize the creative results and process aspects, whereas characteristics such as fluency, adaptability, and originality, which are crucial to creativity, receive comparatively less emphasis. Furthermore, it was determined that the goals of education and instructional materials for seventh and eighth-grade students were congruent concerning the characteristics of scientific creativity.

Keywords: Science education, scientific creativity, curriculum, textbook, document analysis

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