An Analytical Overview of the Studies on the Life Studies Lesson: Bibliometric Analysis Based on Web of Science Database

Emrullah Akcan


The primary school period is a very important period to prepare the individual for the next level of education, adapting to his/her environment and social life, and academic success. One of the most important lessons in primary school in Turkiye is life studies lessons. Through life studies lesson, students complete and organize the information they learn from their families or learn the social information they could not learn from the family at school. Therefore, the qualitative and quantitative features of scientific studies carried out in the field of life studies are very important. In the literature, no study has been determined, which analytical examination of life studies has been carried out. The purpose of this research is to examine the life studies lesson and research in the Web of Science (WoS) database from an analytical point of view. Depending on the purpose, in this research, case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. In order to cover the last half-century period in the data collection phase of this research, the life studies lessons' studies in the Wos database between 1971-2022 were examined. The data collected in this research was used “WOS viewer” software (version After searching in the WoS database, 1798 studies were identified. Among these identified studies, it was limited to 94 studies within the scope of "education/educational research". One of results of this research, is that more studies were carried out in the field of Life studies in the US and Turkiye.

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