Goal Orientation as a Predictor of Perceived Physical Literacy Among Fitness Participants: An Application of the Achievement Goal Theory
This study investigates the relationship between exercise goal orientation and perceived physical literacy among fitness center members, grounded in the Achievement Goal Theory. This study posits that goal orientation significantly influences how individuals engage in fitness activities, thus impacting their intrinsic motivation and physical literacy. Using a cross-sectional design, data were collected from 393 participants via an online survey that assessed their goal orientation and perceived physical literacy. Statistical analyses included the normality test, independent sample t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and regression analysis. The findings indicate that mastery-oriented goals, which focus on personal growth and competence, are significant predictors of higher perceived physical literacy than performance-oriented goals that emphasize external validation. The study also identified notable demographic differences: younger individuals and those who frequently exercise exhibit stronger mastery orientations and higher levels of perceived physical literacy. Specifically, younger participants (18-24 years) reported higher confidence and knowledge in physical literacy than older participants (35 and above). Additionally, male students score higher on the perceived knowledge component of physical literacy than female students. Frequent exercisers (4 or more times per week) demonstrate higher levels of both goal orientation and perceived physical literacy. These insights underscore the need for tailored interventions that promote mastery goals while fostering lifelong engagement in physical activities. By bridging existing research gaps, this study contributes to the development of more effective fitness programs that enhance health and well-being through personalized approaches that account for individual differences in motivation and literacy.
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